Sunday, 18 November 2012

SONY WALKMAN NWZ-A845 (older is better)

In my previous post I stated how I walked around Sainsburys supermarket with a grin on my face and goosebumps...

...well here is the reason why that took place.

The Sony Walkman NWZ-A845 and despite it being an older model I deliberately went for this over its newer version, the NWZ-A865, as this is way better to look at not to mention noticeably thinner. Why do companies like Sony bring out such a fantastic design and then ruin it with the replacement?!

I could have purchased the A865 brand new for £20 more than I paid for this which was obviously used, hmm maybe this music blog can double up on the best USED items to buy?! LMAO.

The sound from this had a clarity I have never heard previously before anywhere and I was utterly shocked at it being literally worlds away from anything I have had in the past and that includes a 160GB Apple iPod classic. So I now know that the reviewers that stated that the Apple iPods sounded better where lying!

As I had read on the internet this is not only MUTED by the EU but also that it is noticeable as, as they stated, once you hit 25 on the volume level any other increases from there up to the maximum of 30 makes NO DIFFERENCE whatsoever! In fact I find this true when I hit 24!

Now I have known people to be so upset with this that they have sold theirs even though they loved the device and whenever I read this I thought it was foolish, even before I received this one?!

The reason is that you can buy a small amplifier for these as you can any portable device and that includes smartphones. These are made by Fujiyama and are called the Fiio and they range from £8.00, yes eight, to £20, £50 and continue on until around £200.

The Sony also has a built in FM Radio which is nice but not primarily what I bought it for but it works well. The only thing is that whenever I see anything with the letters 'FM' I wonder how long radio will be around on that what with DAB being around a few years now?! There is no station names though on it but I do not really care.

In fact there were a couple of things, albeit slight, that if slightly better would make this about the best gadget I have EVER OWNED, BAR NONE!!

DAB instead of FM would be one, though being louder than the two smartphones I have owned, a Sweex Optimuo AND an Apple iPod Classic this is missing a couple of levels. Damn the EU and their 80dB limit because they just cannot help treating their public like little children and getting paid royally for the privilege?! Oops that is another blog entirely, lol.

Another would be 32GB or even 64GB Memory or better still a bloody SD CARD SLOT YOU MORONS?! LOL. You put them on the phones so put them on the media players. A phone is A PHONE that seems to be able to do media, albeit badly on many occasions. While a MEDIA PLAYER IS A MEDIA PLAYER?! One is designed to do this from the ground up hence its existence while the other is NOT!! It is not difficult to work out and like an ex friend said to me before we fell out ... IT's NOT ROCKET SCIENCE?!

If you all want to keep selling these kind of products and do not want them going the way of what I hear Sony TVs are going then I suggest you stop the messing around with many things, stop the corralling of sheep as your actions have not gone unnoticed and try selling the public and the specific groups you are targeting with ... WHAT THEY BLOODY WANT?!?!

What I have in the pictures below is a nigh on perfect gadget and OK I can live without the DAB, sure, and just another thing on my wanted list. BUT check the laws on the supposed EU limits on sound, do not let them push you around like they do us. Add an SD Card slot....

I digress ... again! This Sony Walkman is unbelievably thin when held in the hand and yet it does not feel loose or fragile in any way. In fact it feels of superior quality entirely.

Under the last photograph which is of the sockets at the bottom of the device is a little prelude into Part TWO of this review, albeit on another gadget linked to this one. ;)

Right the last photo showing the 3.5mm jack and docking/charging socket.

Now I have discovered that the limitation by the EU is applied to the 3.5mm jack socket? So sound coming from the dock would be LOUDER?! You would think that someone would think of a way to get around this right? Well they DID!! After reading a great many reviews on the Fiio Headphone amplifiers I realised that as well as plugging them into a jack socket out of the box you can also buy an adaptor that takes the sound from the DOCK SOCKET?! This includes all portable devices provided that they had a dock socket that can carry a sound signal.

I have a couple of theories that include variations on this and over the next month I will be testing my theories and I have not read of anyone else trying my theory out on the Internet, well one of the two, but I full intend to cover them right here.

Oh dear that now means THREE PARTS?! LMAO!

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