Saturday, 17 November 2012


Well I must put a little note in here and a preview to something I will post tomorrow.

It will go further into the minefields of what I previously posted about but I will also be revealing some gadgets for music too, one I have own already it seems I a was unfairly harsh on and another that I have just acquired!

I shall point out that part of the topic involved my ears and the NHS and though this should technically be in the other blog I have on corruption, which oddly has far more visitors by a country mile than any of my others. Maybe that evidence does seem to be having an affect.

Yesterday I walked around Sainsburys listening to music with a constant smile on my face and goosebumps?! I have heard some good sounds of late, albeit MUTED a little, but yesterday AND today and pardon the pun one is not intended I could NOT believe my ears?!

I have also discovered something that is quite interesting and fully intend to put this to the test in the next couple of weeks!!

It seems that the EU 80dB limit that everyone seems to adhere to despite it not being a law set in stone is not quite as set in stone as the powers that be had first intended...

...more on that in a couple of weeks time when I have put these theories to the test and make sure I have not misinterpreted something to do with a certain item of hardware, which seems to have an EXTRA workaround that if true would be ... fantastic and I CANNOT WAIT!!!

Part ONE tomorrow with some photographs and Part TWO in two weeks time, yes well I have to wait too you know?!?! Hehehe.


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